Idle Musings...

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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Friday, July 21, 2006

Saturated Sky

Saturated Sky
Originally uploaded by The Sage of Shadowdale.
I went for a wonder down the firetrail at the end of Turner Rd last weekend just before sunset to see if I could get a decent shot of the sunset (as you get a great view from that ridge line). However, the clouds just weren't very cooperative. There were hardly any to start with, clouds that is, so the colours from the sunlight refracting through the atmosphere weren't reflected much in the sky. Secondly, what clouds there were were mostly on the horizon, thereby obscuring the setting sun. So what I ended up with were mostly clear skies and a vague horizon.

The only redeeming feature of the shots was a colour gradient from the horizon to directly overhead. So I exploited this as much as I could when I was mucking around with Nikon PictureProject post-production. I was really just playing with the colour saturation to see if anything would make the shot interesting. The end result is a little more interesting than what I saw through the lens, but on the whole not that great. Oh well...


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