Idle Musings...

A collection of random thoughts on nothing in particular.

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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Friday, September 16, 2005

Google really is taking over the world

I was just reading a Paul Thurrott blog about Google and the areas they're expanding in and I came across Picasa (a sort of photo compilation tool) recently bought by Google and then redistributed for free (it's pretty nice too). And playing with Picasa I discovered a button to publish images within Picasa to Blogger blogs via Hello (another tool Google bought and redistributed free). And, low and behold, I even discovered that Blogger was owned by Google too (when did that happen?? I must have been asleep at the time).

Anyway, this post was really just a test of the "Send to BloggerBot" button in Picasa - it works, surprise, surprise.

There's not much of a story behind this photo. I was just driving down a road in Mt Kuring-gai headed for a firetrail with my Dad's Nikon D70 (borrowed for the day) to play with it (I was toying with the idea of getting one) and suddenly the sun went behind one of the few clouds that were in the sky that day (a couple months ago). I pulled over quickly (thankfully there wasn't much traffic), whipped the lens cap off, jumped out and took a snap leaning on the roof of my car. Actually, I almost got run over by other drivers who were either trying to see what I was photographing or didn't thinking that standing on the road taking a photo was a very good idea (Philistines!). It's a bit of a shame about the powerlines but the cloud burst does make for a fairly dramatic effect.

Dramatic cloud burst in Mt Kuring-gai Posted by Picasa

I wonder how long it will be before Google tries to buy Microsoft. :-P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I know! Yahoo was gobbling up everyone in sight too until they finally capitulated. Their purchasing of Flickr I can understand, but I haven't quite gotten my head around - I mean it's a useful bookmarking tool and all, but what is so special about it?

Perhaps this is part of their master plan that a mere mortal such as myself cannot possibly imagine...

11/2/06 07:10  

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