Idle Musings...

A collection of random thoughts on nothing in particular.

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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Mystery of the Invisible Individual

Is it only me or are there other people in the world with my amazing ability to become completely undectable? If it were not for my deft dodging and expert evasion I would be continually involved in pedestrian pile-ups as fellow peramublators failed to notice me walking towards them, as they similarly walk towards me, from 20 metres away. Am I wrong to be incredulous regarding the general populaces ignorance? I don't know. However, I do believe this is a common problem in modern "civilised" societies and that this problem is escalating.

My run-ins, or rather near misses, with other people too rude or ignorant to show me the same common courtesy of mutual collision avoidance aggravate me on a daily basis. Perhaps I am permanently adorned with a magic invisibility cloak ala Mr Potter of Hogwarts fame. No, that cannot be correct because my wife always notices whenever I slip quietly upstairs to the computer to play games when her favourite (boring) TV shows start. Perhaps I'm just being a little anal but this topic is one of my pet peeves and, since I'm too polite to verbally abuse those I choose to avoid whilst walking from A to B (or even from A to nowhere in particular), I need to get it off my chest somehow (and isn't that basically what blogs are for after all?).

There, I feel better already, at least until the next time I have to do some emergency evasive maneuvers to avoid someone nearby. Maybe I should move to the wide open country...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. In fact I'm really happy to hear you say that, because Lis has always said I'm just being American when I get irritated at people at shopping malls who seem to think the courtesies of the road no longer apply because they're on their way to a great sale at Myers.

That's probably because she doesn't pay much attention to where she's walking either (don't tell her I said that ;) - actually she just read that comment over my shoulder and I got smacked for it. So never mind.

It all kind of feels like Hong Kong sometimes...only problem is I'm not taller than everybody.

23/6/06 22:50  

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